We Invite You to Become
a Titanic Historical Society Member

Renew Your THS Membership Online - Become a Titanic Historical Society MemberWe succeed only through the support of people such as you. If you are like most of our members, you realize that the measure of our society and the true history of our civilization is found in the stories of famous events and more importantly in the accounts of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Titanic is significant for more than the fact that she was the largest ocean liner at the time or that she sank on her maiden voyage. As with all great events, stories of bravery, the resourcefulness and actions of people are what we learn from and that capture our imaginations. The story of Titanic is the narrative of each and every person who was on board. We are who we are because of examples and the lessons we learned from individuals who came before us. Their collective memory shapes us and acts as a guide in the creation of a better future.

History preserved by people like you...

Membership Page - Formal photograph of 6 of Titanic’s crew that was donated to Ed Kamuda by Titanic lookout, Frederick Fleet (top left)
Formal photograph of 6 of Titanic’s crew that was donated to Ed Kamuda by Titanic lookout, Frederick Fleet (top left)

History is preserved, not through government institutions but through actions of selfless individuals like you who became aware of a momentous event or were touched personally, then inspired to do what they can to save it. Important sites large and small — locales everywhere are remembered from perpetuating Civil War battlefields or small craft unique to an area or the papers of an individual — because of endeavors of people like you, some are rescued and protected.

Historic incidents and the actions of the people affected reflect upon our society and our civilization. The achievements and courage of people who, when thrust into a circumstance over which they had no control did what they could to make things right. Have you noticed that most heroes don’t see themselves as outstanding? They believe they were just doing what needed to be done. These are the kind of stories the members of the Titanic Historical Society are working to save.

Why we see you as an ideal member

If you are like most of our members, you realize that governments do a poor job. Political correctness and revisionism that will serve their purpose is often the primary objective. Only through groups such as the Titanic Historical Society does real history get passed on for future generations.

You have an opportunity to belong to such a group and assist in the preservation of rare documents, uncommon stories, maritime artifacts, eyewitness accounts — the actual records of people, real people, who lived through what happened that night. That is the history that needs to be safeguarded. The actions of real people such as yourself is what we are attempting to preserve.

Their history would be lost forever...

The Titanic Historical Society was started in 1963 by Edward Kamuda. As a young boy, Titanic’s story captured his imagination and made a lasting impression. The more he learned, the more he became aware of the individual acts of bravery from survivors and those who lost their lives. He also realized that their precious history would be lost – – forever – – if someone didn’t act immediately.

You are about to become a member of what is one of the premier maritime historical societies in the world. Through the support of people such as you, a museum has been created in Indian Orchard, Massachusetts. Hundreds of objects are on display and thousands of letters, postcards, photographs and memorabilia are being preserved and documented.

What you receive as a member

THS Membership Packet - Become a Titanic Historical Society MemberAs a member you will receive four splendid issues each year of our publication, The Titanic Commutator. In this superb journal you’ll learn about renowned and lesser known personalities involved with Titanic, her magnificent sisters, the White Star Line and the glorious cavalcade of great transatlantic liners, an evocative era of history that is gone. Part of your membership fee goes toward the production and distribution of “The Commutator” and the balance goes toward conservation of documents, personal artifacts and memorabilia that were donated to the Society by survivors and their families.

Titanic Historical Society, Inc.

PO Box 51053
Indian Orchard, MA 01151-0053
(413) 543 4770 (voice mail only)
(email contact preferred)

Preservation our greatest challenge

There are very real costs involved in preservation. Heat, cold, moisture, dryness, fire, accidents, shortage of space, neglect and lack of interest have taken their toll. Deterioration is a constant — the cost has been the loss of large portions of important records and chronicles. You will be helping to preserve Titanic history and maritime yesterday. (See our article on the real costs of preservation.)

Here is a true life adventure — history as told by the people who were there. By joining you will ensure that their stories are not forgotten. Read about nine-year-old Frank Goldsmith, a third class Titanic survivor — while the majority didn’t make it. We hope that when you read about him or as you explore this site that you will realize the importance of preserving this history. Frank wrote down what happened so others could learn and the Society carried on his wishes.

As a society we grow learning from our past and we hope you will join us in preserving this knowledge for the future. Titanic and the very real people who were involved in her history ­­ their stories deserve to be remembered.

Conservation And Preservation Fund

Make a Donation to the Conservation & Preservation Fund

Conservation and preservation is ongoing and is one of the largest expenses any museum or collection faces. We have hundreds of items: letters, postcards, pictures, wireless messages, log books and all need attention. All can be lost if not protected and preserved.

History is about real people and it is preserved by real people who care. Please renew your membership or join our organization if you are not a member… and if you can contribute to our preservation fund.

Click Here to Donate
